September 18th-22nd, 2023
Child’s Philosophy to tackle anger issues and bullying phenomenon
Day 1
- Welcome by Headteacher Outline of the programme Meeting local representatives
- Visiting the school in small mixed groups Introduction of participants
- PPT presentations of partner schools, region, country
- Ice-breakers What is P4C? Why P4C? Introduction in P4C theory and practice Tools to develop pupils’ questioning and thinking skills Erasmus+ Fairs
Day 2
- How to encourage philosophical questioning and dialogue
- How to facilitate a P4C enquiry in your classroom
- Resources to stimulate rich discussions among your pupils Philosophical enquiry in practice
Day 3
- P4C resources and sources of teaching materials
- Lesson plans and learning activities examples
- How to connect P4C with the curriculum
- Uploading materials on eTwinning and Project’s website Evaluation.
- Reflection. Feed-back. Certificate Ceremony: EUropass Mobility Certificates and Certficate of Attendance