6. GREECE as host

October 8th-12nd, 2023

Safe And Inclusive School For Students

Game Based Learning is effective to engage learners and promote active participation and motivation in the classroom and outside, as well as practical apps and tools to use games as part of the learning process (Game Based Learning). The children in mobility: communicative, with good social skills, minimum A1 English proficiency, and basic ICT skills, high emotional intelligence. Each group of participants will be accompanied and supervised all the time by 2 teachers/ members of the staff. The methodology includes workshops in small groups, Boal’s Methodology “The Theatre of the Oppressed” (holistic and integrated approaches of drama techniques), game based learning (GBL), peer learning, cooperation, role play, discussions, study- case. The goals of this LTT is to raise awareness in 28 pupils on the benefits of positive and benevolent education that will lead to a safe and inclusive school, as to make friends across Europe.

Day 1

  • Welcome by Head, presentation of the school, teachers, partners.
  • Icebreakers. Painting on the wall.
  • Erasmus+ Fair: Students in mobility will present art, food, images, videos, brochures, etc. focused on their cultural heritage.
  • Cultural visit in Serres.
  • The photos and videos taken will be published on TwinSpace, on Erasmus+ boards in schools, as website

Day 2

  • Presentation of books on positive education: example of classroom practices and presentation of educational tools on this theme.
  • “Boal’s Methodology”- introduction.
  • Workshop using drama techniques. Work on body imagery, introduction to the rainbow of desires techniques.
  • Workshop on use of rainbow of desires techniques

Day 3

  • Conflict resolution between students: role playing game.
  • Simulation of a process drama. Process drama as a tool for enhancing cross curricular and interdisciplinary learning.
  • Creating our virtual wall on padlet.com.
  • Creating Our meeting roll-up with symbols and messages in 7 mother tongues and EN to be displayed in host school over the years.
  • Survey. Reflection. Attendance Certificates Ceremony