What is the project about?
Schools/learning environments have an important function for developing and maintaining democratic values. In this sense, the more inclusive and peaceful learning environments are the environments in which students:
- have a sense of belonging
- participates safely and actively
- find the opportunity to realize their own potential
However, many learning environments are uncertain and there are many barriers to access to education: barriers to education and training systems, cultural differences, social barriers and barriers related to discrimination. Through our project, we aim to eliminate the disadvantage of obstacles by changing the mental structure of the person rather than working with each type of obstacle separately.
What are the most relevant activities?
- 3 project management meetings (2 transnational and one online)
- 3 structured courses for teachers / trainers of the Contab Etic Expert Association
- 1 transnational mobility for children
- 1 on-line workshop for teachers/ trainers (trainers)
What are the expected results?
- Reducing the number of cases of aggression in the partner organizations by 50% compared to the situation before the start of the project implementation
- Developing critical-creative-collaborative and attentive thinking skills of educators and students through the use of formal and non-formal education
- Students who are more autonomous, more self-confident, more open and friendly to people who are different
- The equal participation of pupils (boys/girls, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities) will diminish the differences and change the children’s perception of equal opportunities, highlighting the similarities between them.
- Increased awareness and sensitivity to harassment, exclusion and respect for differences
- Action plan for a safe school.
- Guides for teachers, parents and students (in print and digital) to address harassment and exclusion
- 30 printed and digital content developed related to the approach of bullying in education through P4C (philosophy for children), theatrical art and non-violent communication
- The policy of the organizations in the project will benefit from new and improved teaching, evaluation and management strategies implemented with the help of European collaboration.
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